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Unlimited Impact Coaching & Leadership

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  I dream of a future where companies that are successful are those that are results-driven, team-managed, data-guided, coach and mentor facilitated, highly engaged, and those whose employees have control over their work.

I help leaders and executives improve their own abilities and grow leaders who in turn grow leaders at all levels of their companies and delegate to them to free themselves to focus on high-value goals and collaborate with them on strategic goals, all with the aim to deliver desired results consistently and sustainably - Kofi Hagan

Leadership is Key to Organisational


If you have effective leaders in your company or organisation, why are your employees having these problems? Think with me. What do great leaders do that isn’t happening in your company

  • They get people working together toward on important goals.
  • They make sound decisions.
  • They inspire those around them.

If you want great results, you must grow great leaders who can do the above and more.

Take Responsibility for Your Success

Unlike the organisational leader above who has his employees on his mind here, you are not only unable to build your team and manage it to deliver expected outcomes, but you are unable to connect with them also, leaving them feeling unmotivated. To make matters worse for you, you have other needs depriving you of fulfilment and a sense of accomplishment.

  • They may include your inability to:
    Perform at the expected level.
  • Take control of your work because you are being over managed.
  • Loss of motivation due to a feeling that you have no future in the company.

Experience the Transformative Benefits of Coaching

This is what coaching will do for you:

  • The miracle of team work will spring back to life and shatter internal conflicts.
  • The enthusiasm of your team will knock on the door again.
  • Your manager will retreat from over managing you.
  • Your confidence and that of your team will surge with volcanic force.
  • Your team will pleasantly outperform one another with their individual contributions but work together toward the common goal.
  • You will begin feeling the possibility of success.
  • You and your team members will commit to a collective goal and hold yourselves accountable together.

Improve Your Leadership Abilities through Coaching

Our coaching programme for leaders and managers, Success Executive Coaching is just for you the company sponsored team members as well as for the individual seeking self-improvement. It will regenerateelevate and restore your enthusiasm and possibility of success.

The 8 Steps-by-Step Guide to Leadership Excellence

Self-knowledge stands as the most direct pathway to leadership for business and organizational leaders, but despite this significance, it tends to receive limited consideration in executive and leadership development, which makes one wonder why it is so? This article highlights eight ways leaders can maintain a progressive and constant pursuit of self-knowledge in their leadership journey…….

Building solid leadership

Leadership, performance and management- those are the qualities that help clients clients to experience empowerment and help their personal growth and that of their businesses.

Kofi Hagan is incredibly compassionate, thoughtful and results-focused. He “speaks to the heart” with his empathic listening abilities. His goal is to help his clients experience empowerment, and ongoing growth and success.

Kofi’s organic approach to identifying talent and his constant availability to provide in-the-moment-coaching helps to take their organisations to the next level of success.

NOW Take the Next Step and Visit the Rest of the Website

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The Step-By-Step Guide to Leadership Excellence

Self-knowledge stands as the most direct pathway to leadership for business and organizational leaders, but despite this significance, it tends to receive limited consideration in executive and leadership development, which makes one wonder why it is so? This article highlights eight ways leaders can maintain a progressive and constant pursuit of self-knowledge in their leadership journey.

To answer the above question, two thoughts demand consideration: The first being that the journey to self-knowledge necessitates a deep engagement with one's inner self, a practice that is uncommon in workplace cultures. The second is that because the pioneers in people development were disconnected from performance-driven environments, they lacked exposure, which may have caused them to underappreciate the value of the tools used for facilitating introspection.  

As a result, leadership training and development has tended to be shaped by psychological tests, with insufficient consideration for perspectives on human development, career management, interpersonal influence, and work-life balance, and so deprived the sector from benefiting optimally. The effort to build on this foundation in employee development must be borne from the perspective that collaboration with diverse teams enables harmonization of fragmented insights to achieve higher performance 


As a process for determining the leader’s development status at predetermined points, self-assessment is necessary for periodic data collection along the way and to enhance the growth of leaders. The significance of the multiple “baseline” information cannot be understated as they provide insights for growth driven decisions.

Throughout history, the timeless phrase "know thyself", a synonym for self-reflection has been woven through the teachings of ancient writers and thinkers, including the Greeks in their books and on their temple gates, as well as in Christian writings. Notably, Shakespeare contemplated this maxim as a subject for serious moral and religious reflection. 

The expression was used in diverse ways to shape human thinking. Chaucer expresses it in a way that highlights its relevance, while Browning observes that "Truth is within ourselves." Pope, on the other hand recognized that wisdom lies in knowing oneself, stating, "Full wise is he that can himself know." Montaigne pondered the correlation between self-awareness and understanding one's functions and powers. St. Exupery emphasized that each individual must seek self-knowledge to comprehend the meaning of life, and finally, Lao Tzu asserted that self-knowledge serves as the source of our abilities.

Also resonating with this wisdom are contemporary thinkers. Emerson discerned the purpose of life as acquainting man with himself. Bennis acknowledged that letting the self-emerge is the essential task of leaders, and Covey aptly summarized, "Real success is success with self.

Strengthen the Effectiveness of a Road Map with other Tools

On the journey to self-knowledge, akin to navigating with road maps, GPS, or enquiring from pedestrians (in less technologically advanced regions), executives may use psychological and emotional maps. Nevertheless, these descriptions may remain largely incomplete. Therefore to enhance self-knowledge, input from multiple tools and perspectives prove invaluable. 

360 - Degrees Feedback

The 360 - degrees feedback is one tool that embodies the capacity to provide a comprehensive data for leadership development. While it plays a pivotal role in executive development, relying solely on external perceptions may undermine authentic self-awareness. Complementary tools must be employed to bridge gaps and address misconceptions. The 360-degree feedback, along with other development tools, must be harnessed to identify gaps and enhance executive skills and performance 

Accessing Your Innate Capacity is Unlocking Your True Potential

Rather than attempting to change people externally, a valuable investment lies in guiding individuals to grow through self-understanding. Executives possess untapped potential, akin to a powerful sports car. To unleash their full capacity, they must first explore their "owner's manual," delving into their strengths, preferences, failures and aspirations, among others and in so doing unlock their true potential.

Take Only Essentials with You

Executive level attainment is the culmination of various academic and professional pursuits. But amidst the abundance of academic theories and external information, a focus on simple and practical tools for daily organizational operations proves paramount. Foremost among these is self-knowledge and its optimal application. Without discounting the valuable insights external perspectives may trigger, they must not substitute the pursuit of self-awareness. Following the leadership journey, contextualizing lessons and training team members take precedence.

Maintain Capacity through Periodic Topping Up

The leader's capacity necessitates periodic topping up, blending both internal and external perspectives.  To transcend preoccupation and underperformance, greater self-understanding must identify and address inner needs. This involves reflection, action, and consideration of factors like sleep patterns, diet, and the social environment. Executives can only give more when they possess more.

Be Present in the Moment

True self-knowledge holds immeasurable value for anyone seeking a profound connection with their inner selves. This experience thrives in quiet locations free from distractions, enabling deep reflection to generate self-discovery, fostering exceptional and transformative learning. Coaching serves as an invaluable catalyst, aiding coachees in achieving outstanding results attributed to the industry.

Success is the Product of the Right Decisions and Tools

Instruments ensure a safe and pleasant journey while traveling. Similarly, self-knowledge is not attained through a single action but it is the outcome of applying multiple instruments or measures. Dispelling the illusion of a singular tool's protection, success emanates from decisions made by self-aware executives, supported by a myriad of tools such as profound personal insights, team leadership, and expert consultation to achieve high performance. Ongoing professional engagements, particularly coaching, provide leaders with essential insights to ensure continuous growth.

There are many forms of leadership, each unique to the individual. Awakening and fostering authentic connections within leaders have transformative effects for both leaders and their organizations, presenting a game-changing opportunity for growth and success.

Welcome to this point and congratulations for making this very important decision far reaching benefits for you, your team and your organisation. Based on the transformative power of coaching.

Transform yourself:
Progressively change your team irreversibly; Change your organisation, and Elevate your impact on the world.

Benefits include:

  • 12 hours of 0ne - on- 0ne coaching preparation by your coach to ensure that you have a fulfilling coaching experience.
  • A monthly executive Newsletter to keep you abreast with events and activities etc. taking place in the UICL community.
  • Access to monthly seminars.

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