Other Services

A variety of individual and group coaching are available at Unlimited Impact. Our stimulating face– to-face workshops are run in Kigali but group coaching is available virtually.

One-on-One Tele-Coaching

My one-on-one coaching is available to clients located anywhere in the world. I offer three sessions per month via telephone. Coaching via Skype, Zoom are other options that are available to you, as long as you have, or can install, the Skype or Zoom softwares. 

A typical session lasts 45 minutes, including time for questions and answers, review of assignments and general administration. I also offer email coaching.

Face-To-Face and One-on-One Telephone Coaching in Rwanda

For clients based in Rwanda, we offer coaching via telephone or face-to-face coaching at mutually agreed upon locations.

One-on-one sessions may be supplemented with liberal amounts of email conversations. Whether you choose coaching via telephone or email, I encourage you to let me know via email if you need help, as I wish to ensure that my clients have access to me whenever the need arises.

Monthly Group Seminars or Master Classes

Monthly seminars will be held for Kigali based clients or delivered virtually. If you live in Rwanda but are outside of Kigali and not within the reach of our virtual infrastructure, you must make arrangements to come to Kigali or join one of the our`upcountry events. 


Leadership Coaching

Leading is core to the process of growing a business or organisation and ensuring that it is sustainable enough to deliver on its mission. Without leading, businesses focus on only today, lose their vision and are out-competed. Leadership is so important that it must be nurtured at every level of the organisation or company to enable a seamless flow of direction, energy and effectiveness to flow through the organisation for the delivery of sound management and for the attainment of strategic goals. ...

Executive Coaching

The executive’s dilemma starts on the very day he becomes one. He moves from a role in which he is likely to have performed with excellence into one in which unfamiliarity and incompetence are the norms. Almost overnight, the new executive is faced with a mountain of leadership challenges and lost in expected new behaviours and relationships. He is faced with unfamiliarity and the very public recognition that the promotion in part is intended to convey and usher him into a role of higher responsibility. Sadly, this can become the cause of his downfall...

Career Coaching

Most people do not choose occupations based on their passionate for them.  They are primarily driven by perceived rewards and opportunities. Thus, few have the chance to consider each possibility dispassionately or objectively. So they may move into a new job but one that they don’t necessarily enjoy, excited about, or reflects their aspirations. With time, the result is increasing frustration and anxiety as by this time, they are moving steadily and sure into retirement. The above situation has left the workplace with too many employees that find themselves in the middle of their careers but don’t have sufficient motivation to do their jobs. ...

Leadership Development Coaching

Leadership development and succession planning are two interesting bed fellows. In the first place, they often don’t get done well enough if they are attempted at all. Watch a leader leave, and see the drama that takes place before his replacement is hurriedly is selected often with little preparation. Is your organization concerned about developing its emerging and future leaders? We can help you to identify and prepare this category of staff in a way that enables them to literally walk into their leadership roles on full throttle – delivering EXPECTED results. ...

Team Coaching

Team coaching is available to organizations based in Rwanda. Sessions last one hour and team members have unlimited email access to me. They can communicate with me via telephone as well.   Your team is a team in progress. ...

Mobile 1:+250 (0)784529700 Mobile 2: +250 (0)730050838
Email 1: 
kofi@uicl.org  Email 2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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