Team Coaching

Team coaching is available to organizations based in Rwanda. Sessions last one hour and team members have unlimited email access to me. They can communicate with me via telephone as well.  

Your team is a team in progress.

It is not a team yet. Possibly, the teams in your organization are more of group. When people first come together to work, they don’t immediately form teams because they still have to undo their peculiarities that stand in the way of team formation. So, how realistic is it to expect employees having unbridled temperaments, different work ethics and mindsets, as well as work knowledge and skills -- everything that counters proper team functioning, to work  as an integrated whole?

Here is why you must build your people into teams

You cannot expect ‘teams in progress’ to achieve great results. Organizations must face this fact squarely and avail their team’s skills, mindsets, values and others that will enable them to drive better results. To develop and maintain capability, the team must visit and revisit the vision, mission and values of the organization.
By doing so, you embark on a process that helps form teams capable of functioning horizontally to collectively produce outcomes that are superior to those they would have created on their own. While in some cases this may be done internally, often it is facilitated by independent consultants or team coaches. In fact, in the next decade, business will be a team sport and teams need coaches. In which case, organizations and businesses that quickly adapt to this reality and build strong teams are those that will be more successful.

We are here to help

Call us to help you build strong engaging teams that can drive results. Delay in making this decision and your organization or company will lose the opportunity to become a leader in your industry.

Mobile 1:+250 (0)784529700 Mobile 2: +250 (0)730050838
Email 1:  Email 2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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