Career Coaching

Most people do not choose occupations based on their passionate for them.  They are primarily driven by perceived rewards and opportunities. Thus, few have the chance to consider each possibility dispassionately or objectively. So they may move into a new job but one that they don’t necessarily enjoy, excited about, or reflects their aspirations. With time, the result is increasing frustration and anxiety as by this time, they are moving steadily and sure into retirement.

The above situation has left the workplace with too many employees that find themselves in the middle of their careers but don’t have sufficient motivation to do their jobs. Consequently, they experience little meaning in their careers and in turn, as one would expect, make only marginal contribution to the company. 
At Unlimited Impact, we work with clients to map out their career paths, establish the different intervening pathways that one could take to acquire the most experiences and skills required at different stages on the ideal career ladder.

Our career coach does not work with clients to not only design the carrier tapestry, but to also support them to understand the changes that they might need to address along the way and coaches them to course - correct with enthusiasm, optimism and commitment.

You don’t need to waste precious time losing your way in the career maze. Call us to begin a coaching process that will land you in the job that aligns with your skills and aspirations. By coaching with us, you will be happy and more productive. Talk to our lead career professional today on +250 784529700 or send him a message.

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