Leadership Development Coaching

Leadership development and succession planning are two interesting bed fellows. In the first place, they often don’t get done well enough if they are attempted at all. Watch a leader leave, and see the drama that takes place before his replacement is hurriedly is selected often with little preparation.

Is your organization concerned about developing its emerging and future leaders? We can help you to identify and prepare this category of staff in a way that enables them to literally walk into their leadership roles on full throttle – delivering EXPECTED results.

Also, we work with leaders in their current roles to get them to reach greater clarity about their roles; and through coaching, these leaders can identify the amazing attributes they possess, and responsibilities they have accomplished well and celebrate them. But even more importantly, we coach them to identify areas where they can do better, set goals they may be held accountable for. We strengthen this process by fortifying the goals they set with input from their supervisors, peers and others.

As a result of the above, we help empower you with effective leaders who have the right mindsets, skills, attitudes and behaviours to make their companies thrive. To ensure a seamless transition of leadership call us. 

Mobile 1:+250 (0)784529700 Mobile 2: +250 (0)730050838
Email 1: 
kofi@uicl.org  Email 2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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