Leadership Coaching

Leading is core to the process of growing a business or organisation and ensuring that it is sustainable enough to deliver on its mission. Without leading, businesses focus on only today, lose their vision and are out-competed. Leadership is so important that it must be nurtured at every level of the organisation or company to enable a seamless flow of direction, energy and effectiveness to flow through the organisation for the delivery of sound management and for the attainment of strategic goals.

Owing to its importance, businesses, organisations and co - operations - small and large must identify, develop and retain future leaders to ensure that the former take advantage of today’s opportunities and are guaranteed future markets. 

It has been said that leaders are born, but we at Unlimited Impact subscribe to the view that while some leaders have extraordinary innate leadership traits, the vast majority of leaders are made, in the sense that they invest in their basic gifts to develop them and put them to use.

Our leadership coaching program therefore focuses on the leadership potential across organisations or business to ensure that no gaps are allowed to exist. Our emphasis however, is on the circle of high potential leaders located within the organisation that can be are positioned strategically to take the organisation into the future.

We explore how they think about what makes them different from others and what they see in the future.  We are interested also in how they equip themselves to anticipate and understand future trends as well as their appreciation of their own personal relational skills without which securing the future is futile. 

While our goal is to use information provided by leaders to coach them, some of the following topics would enrich the programs they co - create:

  1. Leadership and management
  2. Goals - the leader’s aim
  3. Translating vision into reality
  4. Mission statement
  5. Being a Servant Leader
  6. Coping with criticism
  7. Relationships - the leader’s network
  8. Stress management
  9. Strive for excellence,
  10. Decisiveness-a great attribute of the leader
  11. Teamwork,
  12. Setting priorities,
  13. Leading by influence
  14. The Leader, Coaching and Mentoring,
  15. Creating the Future

I hope you are visiting us because you have a leadership interest or even concern on your mind. If this is the case, we would be delighted to have a conversation with you. Call or send us an email to book an appointment with us. Do remember the importance of nurturing the leadership potentials around you. They will compliment your impact in amazing ways.

Mobile 1:+250 (0)784529700 Mobile 2: +250 (0)730050838
Email 1: 
kofi@uicl.org  Email 2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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