Executive Coaching

The executive’s dilemma starts on the very day he becomes one. He moves from a role in which he is likely to have performed with excellence into one in which unfamiliarity and incompetence are the norms. Almost overnight, the new executive is faced with a mountain of leadership challenges and lost in expected new behaviours and relationships. He is faced with unfamiliarity and the very public recognition that the promotion in part is intended to convey and usher him into a role of higher responsibility. Sadly, this can become the cause of his downfall.

We coach you to more clearly identify your challenges; set audacious and yet achievable goals that will enable you achieve strategic results through your reports, as well as achieve those goals that you alone must accomplish.

You could be simply overwhelmed with your workload and could be, beginning to sag under the pressure of deadlines, ill planned work schedules or frustrated by the promotions that bypass you as well as the conflicts that never seem to go away.  We recognize that the performance of executives and managers can be adversely affected by the quality of their family and social relationships and give them a careful consideration in our coaching process.

Executive coaching is personally fulfilling, rewarding and liberating, releasing the potential of executives and their teams and organizations for improved performance. If you identify with the scenarios I have described above, executive coaching is for you. It will liberate you from the rut that may have trapped you.

We will work with you to create and accomplish goals that will invigorate you and your team and your organisation  to become more successful. Our executive or management coaching will earn you more respect and will enable you gain the favour of your manager.

With our experience of years of leadership and management, we are not only experienced to advise our clients, but in addition, coach them through the current uncertainties give them the capacity to achieve success in an ever changing future.

Call or email me today to explore with me how we can support you.

Mobile 1:+250 (0)784529700 Mobile 2: +250 (0)730050838
Email 1: 
kofi@uicl.org  Email 2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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